As the next Covid-19 wave looms, esports betting has been one of the winners in today’s uncertain market. eSports betting operators have seen high double-digit growth since lockdown started, but with a different demographic to traditional sports and casino markets, esports betting operators have had to design tailored onboarding processes to realise their growth potential.

Catch-up with SBC, Midnite Gaming, the eSports Integrity Commission and HooYu, who examine:

  • Will growth in eSports betting slow down now that sports betting has returned?
  • What are the underage gaming and fraud risks in esports betting
  • What are the challenges to designing a customer onboarding experience tailored to the esports betting demographic?
  • How does HooYu work with operators such as Midnite and Luckbox to deploy customised onboarding experiences?
17th September 2020 - Susan Makin